Grégoire Richard
Ph.D. in Computer Science
I am a Ph.D. working at Inria and University of Lille, France. I am specialized in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in Virtual Reality (VR). I am interested in haptics, methodological tools for avatar-related studies, and user experience.
CRIStAL-Inria, Université de Lille, France
ATER - Temporary Assistant Teacher
Sept. 2022 - Aug. 2023
Loki team
PhD, Computer Science
CRIStAL-Inria, University of Lille, France
2019 - 2023
Specialized in Human Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality
Master's Degree, Computer Science
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers, France
2015 - 2019
Specialized in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Engineering Degree
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers, France
2015 - 2019
Academic projects
Spatialized Vibrotactile Controller
2021-2022, CRIStAL-Inria, University of Lille France
This project aimed at designing a controller for VR that enabled spatialized vibrations through the use of the funneling effect. Several aspects of the controller were assessed.Performance-wise, users' ability to locate static vibrations, and their ability to follow dynamic patterns. In terms of user experience, the impact of vibrotactile feedback on embodiment as explored.
Methodological Tools for Embodiment Studies in VR
2020-2021, CRIStAL-Inria, University of Lille France
This project proposes a new methodologicals tools to study embodiments in virtual reality. We assess the ability of within-subjects and between-subjects design to detect effects in relationship with sample size. We explore new correlations between embodiment and other metrics in a replication of a full-body virtual embodiment protocol.
Haptic Feedback and Embodiment
2019-2020, CRIStAL-Inria, University of Lille France
This project explore the relationship between different haptic feedbacks and virtual embodiment, especially the ecological validity of the feedback and its perception by users.
Rôle du retour sur les interactions avec des avatars en réalité virtuel

Defended on 19th of June, 2023
ED MADIS, CRIStAL, Université de Lille, France
Frontiers in VR
Studying the Role of Haptic Feedback on Virtual Embodiment in a Drawing Task
Frontiers in Virtual Reality, Section Virtual Reality and Human Behaviour